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Douglas Carroll


Derivatives Fixed Income Options Trading

Doug has been conducting investment training seminars for more than a decade. The bulk of his work relates to analysis and valuation of derivatives and fixed income securities. His experiences in sales, trading and investment management are supplemented by rigorous grounding in the legal, regulatory and theoretical aspects of the financial markets.


Doug develops and delivers investment training programs. Audiences and topics run the gamut from Introduction to the Securities Markets for industry neophytes to Advanced Derivatives for portfolio managers and trading desk personnel. He has presented training programs in most of the major financial centers in Asia, Europe and the Americas.


Doug managed client stock and bond portfolios with responsibility for investment analysis and security selection. While at Citicorp Investment Services, he worked on the bond trading desk executing trades in treasury and municipal securities. His earliest market experience was as a registered commodity representative for the Madda Trading Company, dealing primarily in interest rate, currency and agricultural futures for retail clients.


BS/BA, History/Economics, Northern Illinois University MA, Economics, Northern Illinois University MBA, Finance, University of Chicago


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